Plone training for content editors - new and experienced

Plone: Frontend

As in previous years, we want to give a training on using Plone as a content editor. This can be both for newcomers, but also to experienced editors that want to switch from Classic to Volto.

The training is very much hands-on, and adapts to the skill level and experience of the participants, with Plone and/or other CMS's. Topics include site planning, handling translations, creating and maintaining aliases, moving content around, effective use of listing/search blocks, choosing add-ons, using forms. Also a tour of what can be done in the 'site setup' panel, and what you should NOT do there. For more advanced users: managing keywords, using Content Rules, quality control.

Maintaining a site is a task that requires planning and work. Plone brings many tools to help with that task, but not all of them are well-known. The trainers have long experience in maintaining a site over years, with large amounts of content, and can help both newcomers and even some old hands in using Plone optimally. And maybe just as important: they can also say which options may seem enticing at first, but will cause trouble down the line. Just because an option is there, does not mean you should do it, at least not without considering drawbacks.