Python Cerrado

Python Cerrado is the gathering of the Python community in the Central-West region of Brazil. In a diverse context dedicated to the exchange of experiences and knowledge, the event is open to individuals from various backgrounds and origins, regardless of their level of proficiency in the language.

Python Cerrado 2018 Group Picture

The event aims to promote the Python platform among universities, companies, and civil society institutions while focusing on topics related to Free Software. This, in turn, encourages the spread of culture associated with the subject and the promotion and stimulation of development in the Central-West Region.

2019 - Goiânia, Goiás

Organized by the GruPy-GO, the second edition of Python Cerrado took place on September 5, 2019, as part of Campus Party Goiás and featured eight presentations.

2018 - Brasília, DF

The inaugural edition of Python Cerrado was held on September 29 and 30, 2018, at the Campus Gama of the University of Brasília, with 270 participants who attended 16 presentations and 6 workshops.