Run Plone in containers on your own cluster with

Plone: DevOps is a complete open source software tool to deploy, manage and monitor containerised applications all through a web UI. I'll show a quick coolify setup and then configure and run Plone.

The Plone community provides example backend end frontend images for the last versions that you can use or customise to run Plone. But which Docker, Kubernetes, Podman or other SAAS solution you choose, you also need to install and manage a container runtime environment. When something is wrong and you need to debug the setup, devops and terminal knowledge is a big pre. Open Source tools like Portainer have been created to create a UI. But in the case of portainer it is very generic and the community version is intentionally limited. is a recent new addition to this category of tools that is fully open source, has no commercial editions, and provides enough flexibility and settings without overwhelming you too much.

I'll give a quick overview of since there is enough tutorial material online on how to install it. I'll spend most of the talk showing you how to configure and run Plone, without you having to know too much of the underlying container details.

Oh, Puh leaze. Not another motivatinal letter on why I want to give this talk at PloneConf.... :-(